When cherished Christmas traditions are upended by a global pandemic, is there still a way to feel the captivating power and beauty of sacred Christmas Eve worship at home? We believe there is, and we’d like to invite you to join us for a special Moravian Lovefeast-at-a-Distance this December 24, 2020.
The traditional lovefeast embodies a special kind of Christmas spirit, full of light and warmth, wrapped up in centuries-old hymnody, scented with the aroma of handmade beeswax candles, and enriched by the delicious flavors of Moravian coffee and lovefeast buns.
In cities like Winston-Salem, they say “everyone’s a Moravian on Christmas Eve.” Every year, thousands of people—most of them visitors—find themselves drawn to Calvary’s lovefeast services. The members of Calvary work together to create a meaningful and memorable Christmas Eve worship experience for our guests.
This year, however, circumstances demand that we creatively adjust our traditions for the sake of the safety and wellbeing of our communities. Lovefeast in the time of Covid-19 will necessarily look different. But Calvary Moravian Church is excited to connect with more people than ever through a special program called Lovefeast in a Box.™
Now through November 1, you can go online to www.lovefeastinabox.com to order a Lovefeast in a Box.™ Each box contains a lovefeast candle (handmade and dressed by our own members), a package of Moravian cookies, the makings for lovefeast coffee, and a paper copy of the worship bulletin (which we call an “ode”). You can order individual or double boxes, or you can order a family box (serves 6). You’ll receive your box in the mail. Then, on December 24, you can participate in a lovefeast with us via livestream from our website.
While we are saddened to be unable to celebrate Christmas lovefeast in person this year, we hope you’ll connect with us and thousands of others around the country for this special lovefeast-at-a-distance. Place your box orders today!
For more info, visit Lovefeastinabox.com, or contact Calvary Moravian directly at 336.722.3703 or info@calvarymoravian.org.